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Cobb-Douglas Output Elasticity

The Cobb-Douglas Output Elasticity is constant and equal to α or β.

If the Cobb-Douglas production function is Q(L,K) = A LβKα, the output elasticity with respect to labor (L) is α and the output elasticity with respect to capital (K) is β.

To prove this, we must take into account the definition of output elasticity: it is the porcentual change in output in respond to a porcentual change in levels of either labor or capital.

If we want to calculate the output elasticity with respect to labor, we must use the following equation:

(∂Q/Q) / (∂L/L) 

This is equal to:

(∂Q/∂L) / (Q/L)

Now we have the marginal product divided by the average product. Applying the Cobb-Douglas production function:

= [ Aβ L<sup>(β-1)</sup> K<sup>α</sup> ] / [ A L<sup>β</sup> K<sup>α</sup> / L ]
= [ Aβ L<sup>(β-1)</sup> K<sup>α</sup> ] / [ A L<sup>(β-1)</sup> K<sup>α</sup> ]
= β

The same applies to the Cobb Douglas output elasticity with respect to capital.

It is noteworthy that both output elasticities are constant and greater than 0 and smaller than 1.


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en/cobb-douglas-output-elasticity.1451764597.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/02 14:56 by federico