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Cobb-Douglas Production Function

The Cobb-Douglas Production Function is a particular form of the Production Function.

It takes the following form:

Q(L,K) = A LβKα

  • L:labor
  • K:capital
  • Q:output
  • A>0
  • 0<α<1
  • 0<β<1

The main characteristics of the Cobb-Douglas production function are:

  1. The marginal product is positive and decreasing.
  2. Output elasticity is constant, equal to α for L or β for K.
  3. Return to scale are constant and equal to α+β

Plot of a Cobb-Douglas production function:

The [[marginal product]] is positive and decreasing

This behavior is usually seen in a lot of real world examples. To find the marginal product of a production factor, we derivate the total output with respect that factor. For example, to find the marginal product of capital:

∂Q / ∂K =

= α * (A Lβ) K(α-1)

Given that α is positive and lower than 1, the marginal product is positive and decreasing.



Lewis keffa, 2017/12/23 13:42

If it is possible can someone post a real applicable example of how to calculate the elasticity of output with respect to labor and capital on Cobb Douglas function

Federico, 2018/03/01 10:06, 2018/03/01 10:07

Example function:

[1] Q=10 L^0.4 K^0.6

Output elasticity (OE) with respect to K:

[2] (∂Q/∂K) / (Q/K)

[3] (∂Q/∂K) = 10 L^0.4 0.6 K^-0.4
[4] (Q/K) = 10 L^0.4 K^-0.4

Then, the output elasticity is: [3]/[4] (notice that almost all components of [3] and [4] all the same, so they cancel each other.

[5] Output Elasticity = 0.6

Jacques Bouchereau, 2019/08/21 10:30

Complete case example should be better.

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en/cobb-douglas-production-function.1444758009.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/13 13:40 by federico