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Perpetual Resources

Perpetual resources are those elements that can be used by man to satisfy certain needs, and that cannot be exhausted. Perpetual resources are natural renewable resources: they are provided by nature without human intervention and they are renewable because they regenerate after it utilization. Examples of perpetual resources are: - Wind energy. - Solar energy. - Geothermal Energy

Although the amount of perpetual resources available to mankind is enormous, actually there are cheaper alternatives to produce energy available. Most of the electricity comes from other kind of resources, like fossil fuels. But the future of perpetual resources to produce electricity is promising: new scientific discoveries and technology developments are allowing to reduce the costs of producing usable energy for mankind.

Wind Energy

Wind is caused by heat from the energy of the sun. It doesn't decrease when used. It is renewable.

By using wind turbines, the wind can be used to produce electricity.


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en/perpetual-resources.1443101720.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/24 09:35 by